Club Phone T: 0490 734 624
Club Email info@ccgsfc.com.au
CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 1 Coffs Coast Game and Sport Fishing Club Incorporated BY LAWS In affect as of the 1st Day of July 2018
1. Club Premises In accordance with Clause 2 of the CCGSFC Constitution, the CCGSFC shall operate under agreement out of the facilities of the (PREMISES), (ADDRESS) herein after.
2. Membership Fees CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 2 Membership fees are set at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year and shall remain in force until such time as the fees are adjusted at the next or following AGM. The qualification criteria for each class of membership are defined within the CCGSFC Constitution. Membership fees include all affiliation fees of the New South Wales Game Fishing Association and the Game Fishing Association of Australia. Adult Male & Female Joining Fee: $100 Junior Male & Female Joining Fee: $10 Small Fry Male & Female Joining Fee: $0 Social Member Joining Fee: $20.00 Temporary Member Joining Fee: $50
3. DELEGATES The Club will reimburse the direct cost incurred by delegates in representing the CCGSFC at authorised meetings and conferences on presentation of receipts and with the approval of the Executive Committee of the CCGSFC (i.e. travel, accommodation, meals).
4. PRESIDENTS TROPHY The Presidents Trophy will be awarded annually to the person or persons, from the assessment of the President, in recognition of services to the CCGSFC 5. REPLICA TROPHY A replica trophy will be awarded annually to trophy winners. Trophies will be accepted from individual donors but conditions for awarding trophies must be ratified by the Executive Committee of the CCGSFC.
6. CAPTURE CERTIFICATES Capture Certificates will be awarded for the following: 6a. Captures of 5 (five) to 1 (one) ratio. 6 b. Club Records 6 c. First Marlin Tagged or Captured. 6 d. Tag and Release of 5 different species including 1 marlin and 1 shark.
7. RECORD CLAIMS CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 3 The CCGSFC will reimburse a Member the cost of submitting their first State or Australian or International record claim if successful.
8. RECORDS & BOOKS OF THE CCGSFC The records, books and other documents of the CCGSFC shall be open to inspection, free of charge to any Member of the CCGSFC at any reasonable hour.
9. IGFA The CCGSFC shall retain Membership of the International Game Fishing Association.
10. NON SANCTIONED CLUB GAME FISHING EVENTS 10a.Any Member involved in fishing in a non-sanctioned game fishing club event, their captures will not be eligible to be weighed and recorded by the CCGSFC.
11. NEWS LETTERS Quarterly newsletters including CCGSFC and Northern Zone point scores (when available) will be issued to all CCGSFC Members.
12. FISHING RULES G.F.A.A & N.S.W.G.F.A BY-LAWS & FISHING RULES The CCGSFC agrees to abide by the constitution, by-laws and fishing rules of the above governing bodies above. REFER TO THE OFFICIAL AUSTRALIAN GAME FISHING JOURNAL AND NSWGFA BY-LAWS & REGULATIONS BOOKLET RULE 1 The Coffs Coast Game and Sport Fishing Club fishing season runs from the 1st JUNE to 31st MAY the following year. RULE 2 CCGSFC monthly in hour’s competition runs from September to May each year and is to be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. The out of hours point score runs for the full 12 months from 1st June to 31st may each year. If the World Rally forces closure of the boat ramp on a “in-hours” point score day then that day shall be automatically postponed to a later date as decided by the committee. CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 4 RULE 3 CCGSFC monthly competitions in May and November are held on the designated weekend for Northern Zone overnight competitions. On the May and November "Northern Zone overnight competitions", the monthly "in hours" competition will start 7am Saturday and finish 5pm Sunday. Overnight fishing is permissible but not mandatory. Sched boats will commence 7am each day and sign off at 4pm (5pm daylight saving). Outside these hours, all vessels should log on with Marine Rescue Coffs Harbour. RULE 4 Northern Zone Overnight Competitions are held in May and November on a date to be announced by the Northern Zone Chairman. RULE 5 If the CCGSFC monthly competition is called off, boats fishing the Northern Zone Competition on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th weekend must notify the committee before commencing fishing. Not applicable to the May or November. Only one day in the month can be designated for Northern Zone competition. (To be clarified with Northern Zone Chairman). RULE 6 If CCGSFC Monthly competitions are cancelled due to bad weather the committee at their discretion can nominate make up days. RULE 7 UNDER NSWGFA RULES, Which includes all club point score events: The decision to put to sea is entirely the responsibility of the skipper of the boat. The committee accepts NO responsibility for decisions made by individual boat crews, who must decide whether or not to put to sea. The competition / tournament will be called off under the following circumstances: A) If there is a gale warning forecast, no boats are to proceed to sea. if any boats ignore the warning and proceed to sea, their tags or captures will not be recognized, B) In the event of a gale warning declaration whilst vessels are at sea, such vessels are required to cease fishing IMMEDIATELY and return to the nearest safest port. UNDER CCGSFC RULES, Which includes all club point score events: A) Under 32 Knots, the CCGSFC Committee will decide whether the day will be a competition or not. B) In the absence of the committee on the day, competitions are to be called "ON" or "OFF" by three skippers. CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 5 C) In the event of bad weather developing after the start of fishing , then the Committee will confer and decide whether the competition will be called off for the remainder of the day , all fish caught or hooked up prior to this time will be eligible for the "IN HOURS " competition. D) The ultimate decision to return to port remains with competitors. E) The committee accepts no responsibility for decisions made by individual boat crews, who must decide whether or not to put to sea. F) Fishing can be postponed at any time before 9am. After 9am, the competition will be on for the day. RULE 8 All boats fishing in the CCGSFC competitions must leave from and return to the port of Coffs Harbour. Entering other ports during competitions causes disqualification of any fish caught (health and safety reasons exempt). RULE 9 Boats must sign on with the sked boat of the day, before starting fishing. All fish hooked up or caught before this will not count for "IN HOURS" competition. RULE 10 For CCGSFC monthly competitions, fishing commences at 7am and lines up at 4pm. Lines up during eastern day light savings time is 5pm. Lines up for Northern Zone competition is 5pm. All boats must sign off with the sked boat when they return to port. RULE 11 Anglers and boats are allowed to fish out of port for the full 12 months but must notify the committee (secretary or score recorder) before commencing. RULE 12 Anglers and boats must fish at least two (IN HOURS) competitions to be eligible for end of year trophies. RULE 13 BILLFISH must be tagged with (Marlin only) B tags. RULE 14 SHARKS must be tagged with (Shark) S tags. RULE 15 Tag cards & capture sheets must be handed in within 14 days (In the designated tag box at the Yacht club or the score recorder).Photos of the tag card or capture certificate are acceptable. Any anglers who have nominated to fish out of port or participate in a sanctioned tournament, should have their tag cards or capture sheets submitted within 14 days of their nominated return date to Coffs Harbour. RULE 16 CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 6 Tag cards are to be filled out correctly to be eligible. RULE 17 Captures must be noted on the official capture sheet and filled out correctly to be eligible. RULE 18 To be eligible for capture points, fish are to be weighed by the weigh master or a person conversant with the scales using the certified scales only. RULE 19 There must be at least two CCGSFC members per boat to be eligible to fish in hour’s competitions, one of which can be a nominated prospective member. RULE 20 There must be at least three CCGSFC boats fishing to constitute an in hours competition. RULE 21 CCGSFC only require one member to be on the boat to qualify for out of hours point score. RULE 22 A) It is mandatory for all CCGSFC boats to have a 27mg Radio. B) It is recommended that boats also have a VHF radio installed for increased safety whilst at sea. C) The sked boat will run the sked on both 27mg (Channel 94) & VHF (Channel 81) frequencies. D) Mobile phones cannot be used for skeds except for an emergency or where radio contact is not possible. RULE 23 Annual safety inspections of vessels are the responsibility of the skipper & safety forms are required to be provided to the clubs secretary prior to the new season commencing 1st June or prior to competing in any given season. Safety inspection forms are available from the club secretary. Vessels which have not provided a safety inspection form will not be eligible for competition points. REMINDER - SEAWORTHINESS OF BOATS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF INDIVIDUAL SKIPPERS TO ENSURE THAT ALL CRAFT ARE SEAWORTHY AND CARRY ALL SAFETY EQUIPMENT AS LAID DOWN BY THE STATUTORY AUTHORITIES RULE 24 If a vessel has been away representing the CCGSFC at a sanctioned tournament, it may leave a said port to return and fish the first fishable monthly competition on the date following. Fishing must be within the CCGSFC grid sheet and comply with all other monthly competition day CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 7 regulations to be eligible for monthly competition in hour’s points. Trailer boats can also put in elsewhere on the way home from a sanctioned tournament but must continue to Coffs Harbour region and all vessels must return to Coffs Harbour port that day. RULE 25 The CCGSFC shall run a RIVER TO REEF competition which will run for the duration of the season been 1st June to 31st may each year. The competition shall have 2 categories comprising of fish to be weighed and secondly fish to be measured. Fish to be weighed include the following: Snapper Pearl perch Kingfish Teraglin Spotted mackerel Spanish mackerel Cobia Sampson fish Fish to be measured include the following: Flathead Whiting Bream Bass Murray cod Mangrove jack Jewfish Fish to be weighed must be caught out of the port of Coffs Harbour and can either be weighed on the club scales provided at the cleaning sheds at the deep sea fishing club premises or scales at the marina. Fish to be measured can be caught in any NSW waterway and are to be measured on any brag mat clearly showing fish length. Accompanying photos are required for all qualifying fish either on the scales or on a measurement mat. CCGSFC Incorporated By Laws 8